Jack In The Green Weekend
Out comes the green face-paint, giants, wicker-men, antler headdresses, ravens and pre-Raphaelite tresses of hair entwined with flowers and green leaves – and Jack: part man, part bush, and accompanied by his equally leafy escorts, the Bogies, and Black Sal, his be-flowered consort. Hastings loves dressing up, and this May bank holiday procession accompanied by drums and violins puts on an extraordinary pagan spectacle. The four-day event, steeped in folklore, celebrates the coming of summer and attracts Morris dancers from all over the country, culminating in a ceremony called the slaying of the Jack – so to release the spirit of the summer.
Add another highlight to your weekend by visiting The Tudor House at 135 All Saints Street. This magical house lit by candle light, along with its secret garden will be open for a few hours.
To be confirmed.
Bookings only
Call us on +44 (0)1424 447171 or email info@aghendy.com to book