Our Christmas windows are in!
A dragon’s hoard of gleaming silver, cascading with platters, ladles, champagne buckets, food cloches, tazzas, goblets, flatware and chalices. We, the trustees of the treasures of B Baggins, The Hobbit, of Bag End, and his ungrateful cousins the Sackville Bagginses, are charged with the sale and dispersal of the fellowship of the bling. Lobelia Sackville Baggins helped herself to much of Bilbo’s family silver just as he was returning from his adventures with his spoils from the Desolation of Smaug and The Battle of Five Armies, yet all was bequeathed to us here.
And what of Smaug the fire drake, the last great dragon of Middle Earth? He became Puff The Magic Dragon who lives by the sea, and when not frolicking in the autumn mist he slumbers beneath our Baggins’ silver. And sshh…please enter our store quietly, and with mask, for if you wake him your elf and safety might end up in a puff of smoke.
Do come and visit the magic of Christmas at Hendy’s – we are now open 7 days a week from 7 th December right up until, and including, Christmas Eve.
If you can’t make it, click here for our online Christmas Shop – a magnificent selection of gifts that cannot be hoped for elsewhere.