Tudor House Open – 15th October

Drumming, marching, sinister costumes and burning torches once again take over the smoke-filled streets of Hastings – and then come the Black Bogies, pulling pitch-fired carts. This is Hastings Bonfire Night Parade. It’s as if the ghost ships of the The Spanish Armada have landed, delivering a sea faring, tattered and war-torn army of the undead into the dimly lit passageways of the Old Town. Start this dramatic evening with a silent visit to 135 All Saints Street, which will be set-dressed with log fires burning, candles lit, and the wraiths of its mortuary past haunting its darkest reaches. Once the East Hill beacon is lit, the old house will close its door and the drums will begin. Then, with the smell of tar on the wind, 21st century Hastings is hurled into the centuries of its history, succumbing to a dark and magical night.
Dare to visit.
3pm / 6pm
Tickets: Adult £7, Child £4
Bookings only
Call us on +44 (0)1424 447171 or email: info@homestore-hastings.co.uk to book